Monday, August 2, 2010

Final Exam


Monday, August 9: Methodology project
It includes Lesson plan and microteaching. Work in pairs.
Place: UIS-Cabecera
Room: Smartboard Room
Time: 2.30 pm.

Turn in your portfolio, if you haven't done so. That way, I will be able to tell you if something is missing.
Please, show me your essay first draft. We may have some time to edit it.

Wednesday, August 11: Final project
It consists of a 250-word essay and 5-minute oral presentation.
-Visual aids are NOT allowed.
-You are NOT allowed to read during the presentation.
-NO NOTES other than the outline are permitted
Place: UIS
Room: to be confirmed
Time: 2.30 pm

Wednesday, August 18 Written test
It consists of the Reading and Listening parts of the test.
Place: UIS-Principal
Room: Multimedia (Human Science Building, first floor)
Time: 2.30 pm

Turn in your complete portfolio.

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